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How Much Does Earlobe Repair Cost?

Wearing earrings can lead to piercing holes that become larger over time, eventually causing your ear lobes to droop and making it difficult to wear earrings at all. Other people stretched their ear lobes deliberately but now wish to have normal-looking ones. Ear lobe repair can correct these issues to restore ear lobes so normal that you can even pierce them again.  Can Ear Lobe Repair Fix My Ears? If you have sagging, stretched, or split ear lobes, this procedure can usually fix them with a quick in-office treatment. In many cases, these issues are addressed by using sutures to tighten the excess skin and restore a small, properly shaped ear lobe. Ear lobe repair is performed in our office using local anesthesia, making it easy to restore your ear lobes and start wearing earrings again. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How Much Does Ear Lobe Repair Cost? Ear lobe repair can be performed in several ways, but the most common is a minor surgical procedure, [...]

2024-03-18T16:50:05+00:00March 20th, 2024|Earlobe Repair|

When Will I See Sculptra® Results?

If you have noticed the effects of collagen loss, you might look to dermal fillers to replenish this lost volume. Sculptra® is a unique dermal filler that works by using your body’s natural collagen to boost volume and smooth wrinkles. This versatile injectable has many uses and outlasts most other fillers.  What is Sculptra®? Dermal fillers are injectable treatments used to restore lost facial volume and address fine lines and wrinkles. Sculptra® is a type of dermal filler that builds up volume using collagen produced by your skin. It can be used to address concerns such as: Nasolabial folds and marionette lines Hollow temples Loss of cheek volume Loss of jowl definition Lines and wrinkles Sculptra® can also be used in the buttocks to provide a non-surgical butt lift. You can achieve subtle but noticeable improvements that help you feel more confident. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How Does Sculptra® Work as a Dermal Filler? Sculptra® uses an FDA-approved material called poly-L-lactic acid to improve collagen [...]

2024-03-07T21:58:08+00:00March 10th, 2024|Sculptra|

What to Avoid After Ultherapy®

Skin laxity around the chest, neck, and face can be one of the most frustrating signs of aging. Many people think they need a facelift to correct it but do not feel ready for a surgical procedure. Ultherapy® is a non-invasive facelift alternative that offers significant skin tightening and wrinkle smoothing.  What is Ultherapy® for Skin Tightening? A facelift can tighten your skin, but all surgical procedures come with risks and recovery time that not everyone feels ready for. Those people may be excellent candidates for Ultherapy®, a treatment that tightens your skin without incisions or injections. This procedure can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles on your face, lift and tighten the skin around your neck and jawline, and tighten and smooth your chest. It can also smooth your forehead and lift your brows for brighter eyes. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How Does Ultherapy® Work? Ultherapy® uses safe, widely used ultrasound energy. Like the ultrasound used for scanning your body, Ultherapy® travels through [...]

2024-03-07T21:51:13+00:00March 1st, 2024|Ultherapy|

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

If you dislike the look of webbed or thick, twisted veins on your legs, you have an easy, minimally invasive way to get rid of them. Sclerotherapy is one of the most widely used treatments for problems ranging from small spider veins to large varicose veins. Even better, this treatment provides long-lasting relief from these annoying visible veins.  What is Sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment used to address spider veins and varicose veins on the legs. Spider veins usually look branched or web-like, while varicose veins can look raised or thickened. These stretched, dysfunctional veins often look blue, red, or purple. Sclerotherapy treats these veins by causing the walls to collapse. Blood redirects through healthy veins, letting the problem ones fade away. How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last? Sclerotherapy is widely used for many reasons, but one is that it permanently closes damaged spider and varicose veins. Your body will absorb the treated veins over time, and they will not return. However, you can develop new problem veins, especially if you have [...]

2024-03-07T21:44:10+00:00February 20th, 2024|Sclerotherapy|

How Does Sofwave™ Work?

Loss of collagen comes with age, and it can lead to lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. While a facelift can restore your youthful features, it comes with all the risks and recovery of a major surgery. Sofwave™ is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that leaves your skin firmer and smoother while barely missing a minute out of your busy routine.  What is Sofwave™ Skin Tightening? Sofwave™ is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure that uses ultrasound energy to firm and lift your skin and define your features. Sofwave™ can be used almost anywhere on the face and neck. Popular uses include lifting drooping brows and tightening the appearance of jowls. Sofwave™ also addresses fine lines and deep wrinkles for dramatic improvements without surgery. How Does Sofwave™ Work? You may be familiar with ultrasound energy due to the use of this technology in medical tests. Sofwave™ uses non-invasive Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology (SUPERB™). This form of ultrasound energy uses a wavelength that travels harmlessly through the skin and targets the deep layers of [...]

2024-03-07T21:41:40+00:00February 10th, 2024|Sofwave|

What is RF Microneedling?

Aging can affect your skin in several ways. First, the cells in your dermis make less collagen, and your skin loses its support and firmness. Second, new skin cells are produced more slowly, leaving the surface looking dull and uneven. RF microneedling can improve a wide range of skin concerns to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.  What is RF Microneedling? Microneedling is a widely used treatment that uses tiny needles to create microchannels in the skin. These channels trigger increased collagen production, giving this treatment the alternative name of collagen induction therapy. This treatment can be used to address a wide range of skin concerns, such as: Fine lines and wrinkles Acne scars Hyperpigmentation Sun damage Uneven skin tone Enlarged pores Dullness Skin laxity RF microneedling improves your results by adding radiofrequency (RF) energy. The needles send skin-safe RF energy deep into the dermis, reaching more of the cells that produce collagen. It also speeds up the production of healthy new skin cells that brighten and smooth your skin’s surface. View More Patient Results [...]

2024-03-07T21:38:01+00:00February 1st, 2024|Microneedling|

Am I a Candidate for Double Chin Reduction?

If you have accumulated fat under your chin, you probably know how difficult it is to get rid of. Even people at a healthy weight can have a double chin, and once it has arrived, this fat often refuses to leave.  Kybella® is an injectable treatment for double chin reduction that works without incisions or surgery to restore your slim, contoured neck.  What is Kybella® for Double Chin Reduction? If submental (under the chin) fat affects your confidence, your Laser Skin Care Center specialist may recommend Kybella®. This non-surgical alternative to liposuction provides double chin reduction without the recovery time or anesthesia. It works by damaging fat cells, signaling your body to remove them and restoring the sculpted shape of your neck, chin, and jaw. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary Am I a Candidate for Double Chin Reduction? Kybella® offers an effective option for those who want to eliminate their double chin with an injectable treatment. Good candidates for Kybella® are healthy and have reasonable expectations. [...]

2024-03-07T22:09:43+00:00January 20th, 2024|Kybella for Double Chin|

What to Expect After PRP Injections

Have you noticed thinning hair or skin that looks dull and uneven? PRP injections use your body’s natural healing abilities to rejuvenate your hair and skin to promote a healthy, vibrant appearance. Whether you want to treat hair loss or facial signs of aging, PRP is a safe, effective solution.  What are PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) can be used as an injectable treatment or applied topically to the skin. Platelets are products of your bone marrow that circulate in the blood, capable of producing a wide range of healing and growth factors. Platelets respond to injuries and assist the body with rebuilding damaged areas. PRP concentrates the platelets by spinning your blood in a centrifuge to maximize their results. How are PRP Injections Used? PRP injections at Laser Skin Care Center can be used in two ways. First, it can be injected into the scalp, where it improves hair growth by increasing blood flow and stimulating dormant follicles to produce hair again. Unlike hormonal treatments, PRP hair restoration is [...]

2024-03-07T22:04:10+00:00January 10th, 2024|PRP for Hair Loss|

Which Acne Treatment Should I Try?

While acne is a classic teenage issue, it affects many people into adulthood. If you are struggling with acne that has not responded to at-home treatments, Laser Skin Care Center offers customized acne treatment plans to clear your skin and prevent future damage. Our treatment options manage your acne with a comprehensive strategy that least to lasting results.  What Causes Acne? Acne is a condition that occurs when sebaceous glands, the oil glands inside each of your hair follicles, become blocked with oil, dead skin cells, and environmental debris. Bacteria that normally live on your skin can take advantage of these conditions to reproduce, causing inflammation that causes swelling and soreness. Managing acne includes keeping these pores clear, preventing bacterial activity, and controlling oil production. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary Which Acne Treatments Should I Try? Acne comes in many forms, and your breakouts may vary in severity or frequency. We will develop a treatment plan that meets your needs. While these are among our preferred [...]

2024-03-07T22:07:20+00:00January 1st, 2024|Acne Treatment|

How Serious Is Mohs Surgery?

Squamous cell, basal cell, and melanoma skin cancers are among the most common cancers worldwide. These forms of skin cancer can be slow-growing or aggressive, depending on the type. Mohs surgery is used to treat these and other types of skin cancers while protecting the surrounding skin. It offers complete removal of skin cancers with as small a scar as possible. What is Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery? Mohs surgery is performed by dermatologists with advanced training in this procedure. During skin cancer surgery, an incision is made to remove the cancer and a thin margin of skin. This margin is inspected under a microscope for cancer cells. If any are found, your surgeon will remove another thin layer of skin and then check again. This allows them to ensure the cancer is gone without removing more skin than necessary.  How Serious is Mohs Surgery? Any cancer diagnosis should be taken seriously. Skin cancer may not look like much, especially at first. However, allowing it to get larger will result in a bigger [...]

2024-03-06T21:20:04+00:00December 30th, 2023|Mohs Surgery|

How Can I Improve Collagen Production?

Your skin changes in many ways as you age, but many of these changes are due to collagen loss. Production of this important protein fades over time, leading to issues like fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. Fortunately, your Laser Skin Care Center team offers a number of collagen-boosting treatments.  What is Collagen? Collagen is an important structural protein that makes up almost 30% of your body. It is found in joints, muscles, bones, and skin. In fact, up to 90% of your skin’s structure is made of collagen. A decrease in collagen production happens normally with age, but you can restore this lost collagen for a smoother, firmer appearance. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How Can I Improve Collagen Production? You can improve collagen production in several ways. Collagen is produced by cells called fibroblasts located deep in the dermis. Treatments to improve collagen production stimulate these cells and make them more active.  Microneedling Collagen can be triggered by causing controlled damage to the skin. [...]

2024-03-06T21:17:31+00:00December 15th, 2023|Fraxel® Laser, Microneedling, Sofwave|

Top 5 Benefits of Juvederm® Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have become one of the world’s most popular aesthetic treatments due to their many benefits. Juvederm®, the most widely used family of dermal fillers, contains several formulas that let them address many different facial concerns. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What are Juvederm® Dermal Fillers? Juvederm® is a family of dermal fillers with formulas used for the cheeks, lips, and much more. They all use hyaluronic acid, a molecule found naturally in your skin. It is a common ingredient in skincare products because it attracts and holds moisture. In Juvederm® fillers, it forms complex cross-links that give each formula its own texture and best uses.  Top 5 Benefits of Juvederm® Dermal Fillers Non-Surgical Injectable Juvederm® fillers restore a more lifted, youthful appearance with no surgical procedures or uncomfortable laser treatments. Treatment is quick, low-risk, and leaves no lasting marks or effects.  Smoother Lines and Wrinkles Juvederm® formulas like Ultra Plus and Vollure are formulated for injection into moderate to severe lines and wrinkles. They [...]

2024-03-07T23:26:27+00:00December 1st, 2023|Dermal Fillers|

Types of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of the most versatile, customizable ways to achieve smoother, brighter skin. These non-invasive treatments exfoliate away dead and damaged layers of skin, revealing the younger, healthier skin cells beneath. Your Laser Skin Care Center team recommends chemical peels for a wide range of skin issues. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What is a Chemical Peel? A chemical peel is a facial treatment that is applied to the skin and left on for a specific period of time. They usually contain ingredients such as salicylic, glycolic, trichloroacetic, and carbonic (phenol) acids. We offer VI Precision + chemical peel. Chemical Peel Consultations Available Request A Consultation VI Precision Plus Peel The VI Precision Plus is this brand’s most popular peel, aimed toward those 20 and older. It suppresses the production of melanin, reducing hyperpigmentation and sun damage. It also promotes cell turnover for more vibrant skin. [...]

2024-03-06T21:09:55+00:00November 30th, 2023|Chemical Peels|

What Are The Warning Signs Of Skin Cancer?

While no one expects to get skin cancer, it affects millions of people every year. This common type of cancer can be dangerous if untreated, but early detection and removal often provide a complete cure. The best way to protect yourself is to know the signs and when to see a dermatologist. What is Skin Cancer? Skin cancer forms when different types of skin cells develop mutations that let them grow abnormally. Its appearance can vary depending on the type. Most types of skin cancer grow slowly but can damage other structures as they grow. Other types can spread to other areas if not treated promptly. Fortunately, early detection allows the safe, complete removal of most skin cancers.  What are the Warning Signs of Skin Cancer? Skin cancer can look very different depending on the person and area of the body. All strange-looking or newly appearing spots or lesions should be checked by a dermatologist. Knowing the warning signs helps you know when something should be examined. [...]

2024-03-06T21:01:07+00:00November 20th, 2023|Skin Cancer, Uncategorized|

Is Xeomin® Better Than Botox®?

Before Botox®, surgery was the only way to treat expression lines and wrinkles. Today, you can choose between the original Botox® and several other neuromodulators, including Xeomin®. This new treatment works in a similar way but may have some advantages depending on your needs. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What are Xeomin® and Botox®? Xeomin® and Botox® are types of neuromodulators. They both use a compound called botulinum toxin to do their work. This compound acts on your facial nerves, limiting their signals to your facial muscles. As a result, muscles stop pulling on the skin and your wrinkles can relax. Xeomin® and Botox® are generally used to treat the same lines and wrinkles, including horizontal forehead lines, vertical creases between the brows, and crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes. Treating the facial muscles that cause these lines allows the rest of your face to move naturally.  Is Xeomin® Better Than Botox®? The primary difference between Xeomin® and Botox® is the accessory proteins they [...]

2024-03-06T20:51:35+00:00November 1st, 2023|Botox, Xeomin|

What Is a Fraxel® Laser Used For?

Sun exposure, acne, and aging can leave your skin uneven and tired-looking. Fraxel® is a laser treatment that restores a luminous glow while smoothing fine lines and acne scars, brightening dull skin, and clearing hyperpigmentation. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What is Fraxel® for Laser Skin Resurfacing? Fraxel® Dual is an advanced form of laser skin resurfacing. Unlike most lasers, it uses two wavelengths, 1550nm and 1927nm, for better results. Fraxel® laser energy travels into the deeper layers of skin, triggering new collagen production and breaking up pigment particles. As a result, your skin looks smoother and more youthful.  What is a Fraxel® Laser Used For? Fraxel® laser skin resurfacing can be used to address a wide range of skin concerns. Its dual wavelengths make it a flexible option for treating: Fine lines and wrinkles Acne scars Hyperpigmentation Sun damage Uneven skin tone Dullness Minor skin laxity Fraxel® triggers cells called fibroblasts in your dermis to increase their collagen production. This new collagen smooths and firms [...]

2024-03-06T19:59:25+00:00October 30th, 2023|Fraxel® Laser|

Acne 101: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

When you have a facial blemish, it can feel like everyone notices. If you struggle with acne, a specialist like the Laser Skin Care Center team can help you control it and avoid hard-to-treat acne scars. A targeted treatment plan can help you achieve clear, healthy skin.  What Causes Acne? Many factors contribute to the development of acne. This condition occurs when sebaceous glands in your skin overproduce oil. This oil can combine with dead skin cells and other debris to clog your pores. This blockage can also trap bacteria, allowing them to multiply and cause inflammation. Acne is strongly associated with hormonal changes such as puberty and pregnancy. However, many other factors can cause acne to last into adulthood. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary Types of Acne  Acne can be non-inflammatory or inflammatory, although you can have both types simultaneously. Non-inflammatory acne includes whiteheads and blackheads, which are clogged pores without swelling or redness. Pimples, pustules, and deep cysts are types of inflammatory acne. They [...]

2024-03-06T19:55:13+00:00October 15th, 2023|Acne Treatment|

How Long Do DiamondGlow® Results Last?

If your skincare routine is not enough to give you the smooth, healthy glow you want, your skincare specialist may recommend DiamondGlow®. This noninvasive treatment refreshes and rejuvenates your skin while treating it with targeted serums that can address anything from signs of aging to acne breakouts. While some use it to look glowing and clear-skinned for a big event, others make it part of their regular skincare routine.  What is DiamondGlow® for Skin Rejuvenation? Are you looking for a gentle but effective way to treat your skin concerns? DiamondGlow® skin rejuvenation uses three treatments at the same time to provide better results. The first, exfoliation, uses a diamond tip to remove dull layers of dead skin cells. The second, extraction, clears your pores of oil, debris, and bacteria, leaving your skin clear and smooth. The third treatment is the infusion of an advanced serum targeted to your skincare needs. How Long Do DiamondGlow® Results Last? Because DiamondGlow® is gentle and noninvasive, it takes several treatments to achieve your desired results. Most [...]

2024-03-06T19:41:03+00:00October 2nd, 2023|DiamondGlow|



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