If you dislike the look of webbed or thick, twisted veins on your legs, you have an easy, minimally invasive way to get rid of them. Sclerotherapy is one of the most widely used treatments for problems ranging from small spider veins to large varicose veins. Even better, this treatment provides long-lasting relief from these annoying visible veins. 

What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment used to address spider veins and varicose veins on the legs. Spider veins usually look branched or web-like, while varicose veins can look raised or thickened. These stretched, dysfunctional veins often look blue, red, or purple. Sclerotherapy treats these veins by causing the walls to collapse. Blood redirects through healthy veins, letting the problem ones fade away.

Sclerotherapy Long Beach

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

Sclerotherapy is widely used for many reasons, but one is that it permanently closes damaged spider and varicose veins. Your body will absorb the treated veins over time, and they will not return. However, you can develop new problem veins, especially if you have several risk factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Hormones
  • Being overweight
  • Long periods of sitting or standing
  • Pregnancy
  • Certain medical conditions

If you develop new varicose or spider veins, you can return for treatment at any time. Some people may not develop new problem veins. We can advise you on ways to help prevent them from developing. 

Is There Any Downtime After Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a quick process where your vein specialist injects the treatment into your problem veins. You may feel some tingling or burning as the solution is injected. You can return to your usual activities with no downtime. However, you should follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin
  • Take showers instead of baths and avoid soaking water
  • Walk regularly as directed
  • Wear your compression garment
  • Avoid direct sun exposure
  • Limit strenuous activities

Sclerotherapy Treatment Consultations Available

How Soon Will I See Sclerotherapy Results?

While sclerotherapy can collapse varicose or spider veins quickly, your body takes time to remove them. Most people will see full results in three to six weeks, depending on the size of the treated veins and other factors. Larger veins or clusters of spider veins may require several treatments to eliminate. Each person will respond differently to treatment, so your results will vary. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Sclerotherapy?

Almost anyone with spider or varicose veins can benefit from sclerotherapy. Good candidates for this treatment are generally in good health and have reasonable expectations. Candidates typically want to address bothersome, discolored veins of their legs with an effective, minimally invasive treatment. People with certain medical conditions should not have sclerotherapy. Only a consultation can determine whether sclerotherapy is the best solution for your spider veins.

Dr Ko is wonderful. I’ve been with laser Skin Care under the loving and watchful eyes of Dr Bryna Kane for many years and have always felt very safe in her care. When she retired, she recommended Dr Ko to take over my care. I once again feel very cared for and under the watchful eye of a very professional and thorough physician. Her personality is the sweetest! Thank you to everyone at the office, you are the best!

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about sclerotherapy, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA, area and offers various cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.