Squamous cell, basal cell, and melanoma skin cancers are among the most common cancers worldwide. These forms of skin cancer can be slow-growing or aggressive, depending on the type. Mohs surgery is used to treat these and other types of skin cancers while protecting the surrounding skin. It offers complete removal of skin cancers with as small a scar as possible.

Mohs Surgery Los Angeles

What is Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery?

Mohs surgery is performed by dermatologists with advanced training in this procedure. During skin cancer surgery, an incision is made to remove the cancer and a thin margin of skin. This margin is inspected under a microscope for cancer cells. If any are found, your surgeon will remove another thin layer of skin and then check again. This allows them to ensure the cancer is gone without removing more skin than necessary. 

How Serious is Mohs Surgery?

Any cancer diagnosis should be taken seriously. Skin cancer may not look like much, especially at first. However, allowing it to get larger will result in a bigger scar when it is removed. If it gets large enough, it could even damage nerves and bone. Skin cancer surgery is extremely important, especially in the case of potentially dangerous melanoma. 

Fortunately, Mohs surgery is very low-risk and has a high chance of eliminating skin cancer. You are awake throughout the procedure, removing the risks of anesthesia, and Mohs lets your surgeon make the smallest possible incision. Some Mohs procedures are minor enough that they do not require sutures, while others are larger.

Mohs Surgery Consultations Available

How Effective is Mohs Surgery?

During Mohs surgery, every layer of removed skin and tissue is inspected under a microscope until no cancer cells are found. As a result, it has a cure rate of up to 99%. However, Mohs is not suitable for all types of skin cancer. It is also unsuitable for skin cancers that have grown too large for this procedure 

Is There Any Recovery Time After Mohs Surgery?

Recovery time after Mohs varies widely. Each skin cancer is different and results in a different incision. A larger or deeper one will take more time to heal. How much it limits your activities depends on its location and size. You will receive detailed instructions explaining how to care for your incision.

From check-in to examination and check-out, all aspects of this facility are top shelf. They are welcoming and pleasant. The doctor was thorough, taking time to answer questions and explaining any concerns without rushing the exam or us.

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*Individual results may vary.