Your facial expressions communicate your feelings to the world but also crease and fold your skin. At first, they only appear when you laugh, smile, or frown, but they can become a lasting feature over time. Botox® relaxes facial muscles to smooth lines and wrinkles for a more youthful look. Botox® lets you enjoy all your usual facial expressions but without wrinkles. 

What is Botox® (Botulinum Toxin)?

Botox® is an injectable treatment that relaxes muscles to smooth expression lines and wrinkles. It uses a purified version of botulinum type A toxin. You can have Botox® to treat forehead lines, crow’s feet, and vertical lines between the brows (glabellar lines or “the 11s). It can also be used around the mouth and in numerous other areas. 

How Does Botox® Work?

When injected, the botulinum toxin in Botox® interrupts communication between facial nerves and muscles. It causes the targeted nerve to stop sending messages to the muscles that cause your lines and wrinkles. As a result, the muscles become relaxed, making your skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Despite being called a toxin, Botox® does not harm your nerves or muscles and will wear off without lasting effects. 

How Long Should I Wait to Get a Facial After Botox®?

Having a facial too soon after Botox® can interfere with its effectiveness. We generally recommend waiting at least 24 hours after Botox® before getting a facial. Massaging or manipulating the area too soon after the treatment can cause the Botox® to move to unintended areas.

You should also wait at least two weeks for facials or other cosmetic treatments involving heat. These may include facials that use lasers or radiofrequency (RF) energy. Heat can cause Botox® to break down more quickly, reducing the treatment’s effectiveness. Ask your Laser Skin Care Center provider when planning your next facial. 

How Long Does Botox® Last?

Your Botox® results may become noticeable within a few days, with full results developing in seven to ten days. You can expect your results to last three to four months. A regular schedule of maintenance treatments can keep your skin smooth and relaxed and can even help keep lines and wrinkles from getting worse. 

Botox Consultations Available

Is There Any Downtime With Botox®?

There is generally no downtime associated with Botox® treatments. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment. You may experience minor swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site, but these symptoms typically resolve within a few days. 

We recommend avoiding rubbing your face for at least four hours after treatment. You should also avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours. Increased blood flow can cause Botox® to move from its proper location. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Botox®?

Most healthy adults make good candidates for Botox®. Ideal candidates want to treat expression lines and wrinkles without invasive treatments or downtime. You should not have Botox® if you are pregnant or have certain neuromuscular conditions. 

On time!!! Efficient staff. First time patient and my doctor, Sandra Kuo, was professional and a wonderful bedside manner. I will definitely return.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about Botox®, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA, area and offers various cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.