Skin Cancer Treatment Long Beach

How Serious Is Mohs Surgery?

Squamous cell, basal cell, and melanoma skin cancers are among the most common cancers worldwide. These forms of skin cancer can be slow-growing or aggressive, depending on the type. Mohs surgery is used to treat these and other types of skin cancers while protecting the surrounding skin. It offers complete removal of skin cancers with as small a scar as possible. What is Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery? Mohs surgery is performed by dermatologists with advanced training in this procedure. During skin cancer surgery, an incision is made to remove the cancer and a thin margin of skin. This margin is inspected under a microscope for cancer cells. If any are found, your surgeon will remove another thin layer of skin and then check again. This allows them to ensure the cancer is gone without removing more skin than necessary.  How Serious is Mohs Surgery? Any cancer diagnosis should be taken seriously. Skin cancer may not look like much, especially at first. However, allowing it to get larger will result in a bigger [...]

2024-03-06T21:20:04+00:00December 30th, 2023|Mohs Surgery|

How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Out of all other types of cancers, skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed in the U.S. It is essential to learn the steps to prevent skin cancer to protect yourself long-term.  How Often Should I Get Checked For Skin Cancer?  While the good news is that skin cancer is one of the most treatable cancers, many people do not know the signs. You should be getting checked for skin cancer annually by your provider.  It is crucial for everyone to have an annual skin check, especially those who are more at risk for skin cancer. Fairer-skinned people who burn easily are at a higher risk of skin cancer.  What are the ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer? The ABCDE method of detecting skin cancer is important to learn. Each letter represents a different sign of a cancerous lesion:  Asymmetry: Checking if the new mole or spot on your body is asymmetrical  Border: Seeing if the border around the mole is irregular  Color: Different, darker shades of brown  Diameter: The overall diameter [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:18+00:00May 21st, 2022|Skin Cancer, Skin Cancer Screening|

How Should You Treat Skin Cancer?

Laser Skin Specialists provide treatment options for a wide range of medical conditions including skin cancer. Skin cancer can be treated using Mohs Surgery, combining surgical excision with microscopic examination of the entire tissue using frozen tissue processing techniques. *Individual results may vary How to Identify Skin Cancer Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are the most common forms of skin cancer. Typically, they develop as small red nodules or scaly patches of skin. The matches are often raised and may ooze or bleed easily.  Typically, basal cell carcinomas appear as lesions that are skin tones or sores on the body. These growths will spread slowly and will never go away without treatment.  Melanomas are far less common and more dangerous. These can be signs by changes to moles on the body. These can be identified with ABCDEs: Asymmetry Borders Color Diameter Evolving  About Mohs Micrographic Surgery Mohs surgery began as a technique referred to as chemosurgery. Developed by Frederic E. Mohs, MD. It wasn’t widely known until the 1960s. [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:20+00:00August 13th, 2021|Mohs Surgery|

How Often Should I Get Checked for Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is extremely common. More people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S. than all other cancers combined. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. That’s why it’s so important to get checked for skin cancer. Early detection is second only to prevention when it comes to survival rates. Getting checked regularly is important for everyone, but particularly those with high risks of skin cancer. People with fair skin, who tend to have a hard time tanning and burn easily, and are Caucasian with blue eyes, light hair, and freckles have the highest risk. Skin cancer risk is based on other risk factors, the largest of which is a history of skin cancer either yourself or in your family. Other risk factors include histories of severe sunburn and using tanning beds. People should be checked annually for skin cancer, particularly those at risk. However, you should be performing your own checks several times a year. Patients themselves detect half of all skin cancer [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:33+00:00February 15th, 2018|Skin Cancer Screening|



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