skin cancer treatment near me Long Beach

What Are The Warning Signs Of Skin Cancer?

While no one expects to get skin cancer, it affects millions of people every year. This common type of cancer can be dangerous if untreated, but early detection and removal often provide a complete cure. The best way to protect yourself is to know the signs and when to see a dermatologist. What is Skin Cancer? Skin cancer forms when different types of skin cells develop mutations that let them grow abnormally. Its appearance can vary depending on the type. Most types of skin cancer grow slowly but can damage other structures as they grow. Other types can spread to other areas if not treated promptly. Fortunately, early detection allows the safe, complete removal of most skin cancers.  What are the Warning Signs of Skin Cancer? Skin cancer can look very different depending on the person and area of the body. All strange-looking or newly appearing spots or lesions should be checked by a dermatologist. Knowing the warning signs helps you know when something should be examined. [...]

2024-03-06T21:01:07+00:00November 20th, 2023|Skin Cancer, Uncategorized|

How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Out of all other types of cancers, skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed in the U.S. It is essential to learn the steps to prevent skin cancer to protect yourself long-term.  How Often Should I Get Checked For Skin Cancer?  While the good news is that skin cancer is one of the most treatable cancers, many people do not know the signs. You should be getting checked for skin cancer annually by your provider.  It is crucial for everyone to have an annual skin check, especially those who are more at risk for skin cancer. Fairer-skinned people who burn easily are at a higher risk of skin cancer.  What are the ABCDE’s of Skin Cancer? The ABCDE method of detecting skin cancer is important to learn. Each letter represents a different sign of a cancerous lesion:  Asymmetry: Checking if the new mole or spot on your body is asymmetrical  Border: Seeing if the border around the mole is irregular  Color: Different, darker shades of brown  Diameter: The overall diameter [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:18+00:00May 21st, 2022|Skin Cancer, Skin Cancer Screening|



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