Platelet-rich plasma Long Beach

Top 5 Benefits of PRP Injections

Our dermatologists at Laser Skin Care Center offer many effective rejuvenation treatments. One of these options, PRP injections, has numerous benefits for both your skin and hair. With PRP, you can enhance the results of your favorite cosmetic treatments, such as microneedling or laser resurfacing. What is PRP? PRP injections, or platelet-rich plasma injections, are an innovative rejuvenation treatment. These injections are created by drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood components. Though it started as a medical treatment for injuries, PRP injections have gained significant attention for their aesthetic applications.  Laser Skin Care Center offers PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation and hair restoration. The isolated growth factors and stem cells in the injections help stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin, resulting in a firmer, smoother, and more youthful complexion. Similarly, when injected into the scalp, PRP can promote hair growth by increasing blood flow and providing nutrients to hair follicles. Benefits of PRP [...]

2023-05-24T16:53:58+00:00June 30th, 2023|PRP|

What to Expect After PRP Hair Treatment

Men and women experiencing hair loss have a drug-free, surgery-free treatment option to restore hair growth. PRP reenergizes hair follicles to promote hair growth. It has become increasingly popular as a hair rejuvenation treatment as people have learned more about the powerful abilities of PRP.  What is PRP Hair Restoration Treatment? PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, an injectable treatment extracted from your blood. Your Laser Skin Care Center provider will take a sample of your blood and spin it in a centrifuge. This device causes blood to separate into layers. One of these layers contains plasma, the fluid part of blood, and platelets. Platelets form a key part of the body’s repair system, producing healing and growth factors.  How Does PRP Hair Treatment Work? Your PRP hair treatment begins with microneedling. During this step, a handheld device creates tiny micro-channels in the skin of your scalp. These channels allow PRP to travel through the outer layers of skin and into the deep layers. When applied to the scalp, PRP triggers dormant hair [...]

2023-04-06T16:19:20+00:00March 20th, 2023|PRP, PRP for Hair Loss|

How Long Does PRP Take To Work?

Our body works hard to protect us and heal injuries, and our blood plays a prominent role in its ability to heal and stimulate cell growth. At the Laser Skin Care Center, our team uses platelet-rich plasma in our treatments for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation.  What is PRP? PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is the liquid part of the blood that has been processed to have a high concentration of platelets and proteins. The platelets play a role in healing and blood clotting. Athletes often use PRP injections to speed up recovery from a sports injury or surgery. In the cosmetic industry, PRP is used in hair restoration and skin rejuvenation treatments to boost growth and healing factors in skin cells and hair follicles.  How Long Does PRP Take to Work? PRP’s versatility makes it an excellent choice for many rejuvenation treatments; however, injections and topical treatments do not provide immediate results. PRP for Facial Rejuvenation Facial rejuvenation treatments typically take several sessions for an optimal outcome. You may receive injections or [...]

2023-02-24T21:33:09+00:00January 20th, 2023|PRP|

How Can I Stop Hair Loss?

Are you noticing that your hair is thinning?  If so, don’t worry: here at the Laser Skin Care Center, we offer a variety of state-of-the-art treatments to help your scalp recover and restore hair fullness and vibrancy. You can now slow, stop and even reverse hair loss with a PRP - a procedure we discuss below. *Individual results may vary Why Does Hair Loss Happen? The main cause of hair loss is family history. If your relatives have lost some of their hair, then it increases the chances that you will too. While hair loss can occur anywhere on the body, it most commonly affects the scalp. Thinning typically appears around the temples first, and then the crown.  The pattern that it takes after that depends on the hereditary factors of the individual. Some patients see circular spots of hair loss around the back of the head, while others lose virtually all their hair on their scalp. Eventually, follicles that produce hair go dormant, leading to balding.  Hair loss, however, [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:22+00:00February 2nd, 2021|PRP for Hair Loss|

What is PRP?

PRP treatments are highly sought after at Laser Skin Care Center. They have become one of our best treatments due to how effective they are at solving many cosmetic concerns. What exactly is PRP, and why is it so beneficial? Our team of experts will guide you through everything you need to know. *Individual results may vary PRP: What is it? PRP stands for 'platelet-rich plasma' and it occurs naturally throughout your body. This substance is found in the blood, but it is mainly seen when you suffer injuries. Plasma has lots of things in it that makes your blood clot, preventing bleeding when you have a cut. By extracting the plasma from your blood, a solution can be created that is injected back into bodily tissues.  By doing this, PRP is seen to accelerate the healing process, boosting the production of proteins like collagen and elastin. In turn, this can yield some very impressive results, particularly in your skin. We use PRP to rejuvenate skin and give it a [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:22+00:00January 4th, 2021|PRP|

How Can PRP Help With Anti-Aging?

When it comes to reducing the effects of aging, there are scores of options available to people. The trouble is, many of them require surgery and have long recovery times. Thankfully, PRP is an alternative treatment that has grown in popularity in recent years. *Individual results may vary What is PRP? PRP or “platelet-rich plasma” is a form of treatment that is both minimally-invasive and has little to no risk for infections and allergic reactions. PRP is a type of regenerative therapy that uses the body’s own blood. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood and contains water, proteins, and growth healing functions. It’s also the catalyst for moving red and white blood cells throughout the body and accelerates the healing process for injured muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. The Laser Skin Care Center comprises a cooperative team of dermatology specialists who are both skilled and fully qualified to deliver PRP treatments. Our dermatologists have received extensive training and accreditation from UCLA and UC Irvine. Based at a 13,000 [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:23+00:00September 3rd, 2020|PRP|

What Can Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Be Used to Treat?

More and more men and women are turning to Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to address their aesthetic concerns. The science-backed, evidence-based treatment option allows us to combat a variety of age-related concerns with a simple, in-office appointment. PRP doesn’t involve any downtime making it ideal for people with busy lifestyles. What is PRP & How Does It Work? PRP is a unique treatment option unlike any other. Using your body’s own autologous cells, we’re able to isolate platelets, stem cells, and other nourishing growth factors. The process only involves a simple blood draw before treatment. The blood is then sent to our lab for preparation. Afterward, it can be used for a variety of applications based on your specific needs. What are the Most Common Uses? While PRP can be used for various health concerns, Laser Skin Care Center primarily focuses on PRP treatments for cosmetic purposes. The two main applications we use PRP include facial rejuvenation and hair restoration. Let’s take a closer look at both to determine your candidacy [...]

2024-04-08T14:20:35+00:00January 15th, 2020|PRP|



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