How Serious Is Mohs Surgery?

Squamous cell, basal cell, and melanoma skin cancers are among the most common cancers worldwide. These forms of skin cancer can be slow-growing or aggressive, depending on the type. Mohs surgery is used to treat these and other types of skin cancers while protecting the surrounding skin. It offers complete removal of skin cancers with as small a scar as possible. What is Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery? Mohs surgery is performed by dermatologists with advanced training in this procedure. During skin cancer surgery, an incision is made to remove the cancer and a thin margin of skin. This margin is inspected under a microscope for cancer cells. If any are found, your surgeon will remove another thin layer of skin and then check again. This allows them to ensure the cancer is gone without removing more skin than necessary.  How Serious is Mohs Surgery? Any cancer diagnosis should be taken seriously. Skin cancer may not look like much, especially at first. However, allowing it to get larger will result in a bigger [...]