Are you looking for a way to smooth lines and wrinkles or restore facial volume loss? Sculptra® and Radiesse® are long-lasting dermal fillers to address many concerns. These two fillers have some things in common but differ in a few important ways. Your Laser Skin Care Center team offers both so that we can provide you with the widest variety of choices. 

What are Sculptra® and Radiesse®?

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments used to add volume to your facial features. Sculptra® and Radiesse® are dermal fillers that trigger new collagen production. They have an advantage over the more common hyaluronic acid fillers in that they can treat many areas with smooth, natural-looking results. Both fillers address concerns like marionette lines, hollow cheeks, and loss of definition. 

Radiesse Before and After Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

Sculptra® vs. Radiesse®: What’s the Difference?

While Sculptra® and Radiesse® trigger collagen production, they differ in many ways. Your expert injector will determine which one to use for your needs. 

What are They Made Of?

Sculptra® is made of a material called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). This body-safe material is FDA-approved to enhance facial volume by stimulating collagen development. Radiesse® also uses an FDA-approved material called calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA). Naturally found in bone, this material comes in the form of microspheres suspended in a gel matrix. 

What are They Used For?

Sculptra® and Radiesse® have many uses in common, but we may prefer one over the other for your particular case. Sculptra® excels when treating nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and areas of facial volume loss. Radiesse® treats most of the same areas. However, it is also FDA-approved for use on the backs of the hands. 

How Long Do They Last?

Both of these dermal fillers are long-lasting due to the collagen they stimulate. Radiesse® results usually last at least a year, and Sculptra® results can last two years or more. You can prolong your results by using consistent sun protection and quality skincare products. 

Radiesse and Sculptra Consultations Available

Is There Any Downtime After Sculptra® or Radiesse®?

Dermal fillers generally require no downtime. You can return to your usual activities immediately after getting Sculptra® or Radiesse® injections. You may have minor swelling, bruising, or sensitivity in the injection area, but these effects will fade within a few days. Negative reactions are very rare and typically mild. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Sculptra® or Radiesse®?

Most healthy adults make good candidates for dermal filler injections. Sculptra® and Radiesse® use biologically safe materials and use your body’s own collagen to create volume. You should not have injections of any type if you have an infection or active skin condition in the treatment area. 

On time!!! Efficient staff. First time patient and my doctor, Sandra Kuo, was professional and a wonderful bedside manner. I will definitely return.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about Sculptra® or Radiesse®, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA, area and offers various cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.