Monthly Archives: September 2016

Kybella or Chin Lipo: Which Should I Choose?

It seems to be a tale as old as time: No matter how hard you work out or how clean you eat, the fat tissue underneath your chin refuses to bulge.  In fact, it’s making it tough for you to show off all your hard work, simply because that double chin makes you seem like you’re carrying excessive weight. Excess submental fat – otherwise known as a double chin – happens for a variety of reasons.  One of the most obvious is weight gain; however, some people are genetically prone to developing excess submental fat.  To make matters worse, this area can be notoriously difficult to treat, as facial fat is typically lost as a result of larger weight loss. For people struggling to lose their chin fat, there are two fantastic options available at Laser Skin Care Center in Long Beach, CA – Kybella and chin liposuction.  Both treatments have been shown to significantly reduce excess underchin fat.  Both can lead to permanent results with proper diet and exercise. But when it comes down to it, which treatment is [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:37+00:00September 26th, 2016|Chin Lipo, Double Chin, Kybella|

Will Cellfina Work on the Front of the Legs?

It may be autumn again, but that doesn’t mean cellulite isn’t still on your mind.  After all, the holiday months are coming up – and that means spending your evenings in dresses, wanting to look your very best.  Plus, there are still several good beach days left, which means you’re still feeling self-conscious about how your thighs appear in shorts or a bathing suit. Fortunately, there’s Cellfina, a brand-new FDA-cleared treatment designed to target and treat the dimpled appearance common with cellulite.  Cellfina uses a patented microneedling technology to break up the connective bands underneath the skin.  Much like a rubber band snaps when tension is released, so too do these bands break apart and release the tension that contributes to dimpling.  As a result, cellulite appears smoother, with results lasting up to two years. In fact, in clinical studies, Cellfina patient satisfaction is 94% at 1 year and 96% at two years. Most patients only need one Cellfina treatment to see significant results.  Treatments are fast, with minimal side effects; most patients can drive themselves home afterwards. Cellfina treatments [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:37+00:00September 14th, 2016|Cellfina, Cellulite Treatment, Ultherapy|



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