acne treatment near me Los Angeles

Which Acne Treatment Should I Try?

While acne is a classic teenage issue, it affects many people into adulthood. If you are struggling with acne that has not responded to at-home treatments, Laser Skin Care Center offers customized acne treatment plans to clear your skin and prevent future damage. Our treatment options manage your acne with a comprehensive strategy that least to lasting results.  What Causes Acne? Acne is a condition that occurs when sebaceous glands, the oil glands inside each of your hair follicles, become blocked with oil, dead skin cells, and environmental debris. Bacteria that normally live on your skin can take advantage of these conditions to reproduce, causing inflammation that causes swelling and soreness. Managing acne includes keeping these pores clear, preventing bacterial activity, and controlling oil production. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary Which Acne Treatments Should I Try? Acne comes in many forms, and your breakouts may vary in severity or frequency. We will develop a treatment plan that meets your needs. While these are among our preferred [...]

2024-03-07T22:07:20+00:00January 1st, 2024|Acne Treatment|

Acne 101: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

When you have a facial blemish, it can feel like everyone notices. If you struggle with acne, a specialist like the Laser Skin Care Center team can help you control it and avoid hard-to-treat acne scars. A targeted treatment plan can help you achieve clear, healthy skin.  What Causes Acne? Many factors contribute to the development of acne. This condition occurs when sebaceous glands in your skin overproduce oil. This oil can combine with dead skin cells and other debris to clog your pores. This blockage can also trap bacteria, allowing them to multiply and cause inflammation. Acne is strongly associated with hormonal changes such as puberty and pregnancy. However, many other factors can cause acne to last into adulthood. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary Types of Acne  Acne can be non-inflammatory or inflammatory, although you can have both types simultaneously. Non-inflammatory acne includes whiteheads and blackheads, which are clogged pores without swelling or redness. Pimples, pustules, and deep cysts are types of inflammatory acne. They [...]

2024-03-06T19:55:13+00:00October 15th, 2023|Acne Treatment|

What are My Acne Treatment Options?

If you find yourself constantly battling breakouts, you’re not alone. Acne is commonly associated with the teenage years, but many adults also struggle with it. Our expert team of dermatologists at Laser Skin Care Center offers several effective treatment options to help you finally achieve clear skin. What Causes Acne? Acne occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. The oil produced by your skin, known as sebum, is essential for keeping your skin moisturized. However, when it combines with dead skin cells, it can block pores and create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.  Hormones, particularly androgens, play a significant role in acne development as they stimulate sebum production in the skin. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menstruation can trigger acne outbreaks. Other factors that can contribute to acne include genetics, certain medications, and environmental factors like pollution and humidity. Additionally, some skincare products that contain pore-clogging ingredients can worsen acne. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How [...]

2023-05-24T16:51:21+00:00June 20th, 2023|Acne Treatment|



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