Thinning hair can be a frustrating condition for men and women. While you may experience hair loss for various reasons, you can reverse this process. PRP is an injectable treatment that stimulates healthy new hair growth in thinning areas. This treatment is derived from your own blood to harness your body’s healing abilities. 

What is PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) for Hair Loss?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment extracted from a sample of your blood. Spinning this sample in a centrifuge separates a layer containing your platelets, healing and repair factors circulating in the blood. Platelets contribute to many growth and rejuvenation processes. This treatment is widely used to treat joint, muscle, and tendon injuries. It is also combined with treatments like microneedling to improve your skin’s health. When injected into the scalp, PRP triggers processes that make hair follicles more active and stimulate healthy growth. 

Prp Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

How Does PRP Work to Reverse Hair Loss?

The power of PRP comes from its platelets. These vital components of your blood are injected into areas of hair thinning. PRP releases growth factors that reduce hair loss by triggering hair follicles to become more active. These reactivated follicles begin growing hair again, restoring a fuller, healthier appearance. PRP also promotes the growth of new blood vessels to the scalp, bringing more nutrients and oxygen that your follicles can use for hair growth. 

Unlike most other hair restoration treatments, PRP injections require no medications and have few, if any, side effects. However, if you are using other hair loss treatments, PRP works safely with surgical and medication methods to help you achieve even better results. Treatment will work better when your scalp and follicles are energized and active. 

How Many PRP Treatments Will I Need?

You will need a series of PRP injections to achieve your desired results. We have found that most people benefit from four treatments spaced one month apart. Maintenance treatments should follow this series every four to six months to maintain healthy hair growth. Your Laser Skin Care Center team will work with you to find the best schedule for you. 

PRP Consultations Available

Is There Any Downtime After PRP for Hair Loss?

PRP therapy requires little to no downtime. After treatment, your scalp may feel sensitive and swollen for a day or two. Avoid scrubbing or using harsh products during this time. Each person’s recovery will differ, but most people can return to work or other activities immediately. Avoid strenuous activities and extremely hot water for a few days after treatment. 

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP?

Almost anyone makes a good candidate for PRP hair restoration. It can improve most causes of thinning hair and trigger full, thick regrowth. Since it comes from your own blood, there is no risk of a reaction and few, if any, side effects. You may not be a candidate for PRP if you have certain blood disorders that affect whether you make enough normal platelets. 

On time!!! Efficient staff. First time patient and my doctor, Sandra Kuo, was professional and a wonderful bedside manner. I will definitely return.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about PRP for hair loss, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA, area and offers various cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.