If you’re using diet and exercise to treat the appearance of cellulite, you may notice that those stubborn dimples just aren’t responding the way you hoped they would.  Unfortunately, cellulite can be stubborn that way, as it won’t necessarily respond to weight loss.  As cellulite is caused by collagen bands that push fat deposits up against the skin, this means that diet and exercise alone won’t cure the problem.

That’s why Cellfina is such an excellent solution to cellulite.  It works to correct the source of the problem by breaking up those bands that create the dreaded dimpling associated with cellulite.  Once these bands are broken up, pressure on the fat is released, causing an almost immediate reduction in dimpling.

One thing that’s important to note – especially if you enjoy following an exercise regimen – is that it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise immediately after your Cellfina treatment.  Doctors recommend that you wait at least one to two weeks before resuming your favorite exercise regimen, especially if it’s strenuous (like running, spinning, rowing, etc.). 

These recommendations are made because exercise could prolong any swelling or bruising you might experience after your Cellfina procedure. While exercising right after Cellfina isn’t recommended, it won’t affect the results of your procedure.  However, you may want to consider icing the treatment area to help minimize any swelling. It’s also recommended that you sleep on your stomach and minimize sitting during the first 72 hours post-procedure.

You and your Cellfina provider will have an in-depth conversation about what your exercise regimen should look like immediately after Cellfina, and when you can start working out again.

For more information about strenuous exercise after Cellfina, schedule a consultation at Laser Skin Care Center in Long Beach, CA today!