Body contouring has become a popular, non-invasive option for removing unwanted fat. For years, liposuction was the only way to contour the body and remove the fat that doesn’t respond to dieting and exercise. 

Since then, scientists have developed many different body contouring methods. At the Laser Skin Care Center, one of our non-surgical options is UltraShape®

What is UltraShape®?

UltraShape® is an FDA-cleared body sculpting procedure using ultrasound technology to remove stubborn fat. With no incisions, anesthetics, or recovery time, UltraShape® is a painless and effective treatment to remove unwanted fat from the abdomen, flanks, and thighs.

The ultrasound energy breaks apart the fat cell membranes, causing them to release fat in the form of triglycerides. The liver processes the triglycerides and removes them from the body. UltraShape® targets stubborn fat that does not respond to a healthy diet and exercise. It is not a weight loss solution. 

Ultrashape Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

What to Expect with UltraShape® Treatment

UltraShape® treatments take up to an hour to complete. Your provider applies a gel to the target area and places a special belt around the abdomen, flank, or thigh. After you are all set, the provider sets the transducer over the treatment area, delivering pulsed ultrasound energy 1½ centimeters below the skin’s surface. 

The energy stresses the fat cell membranes, causing them to rupture. Once complete, your provider removes the remaining gel, and you can immediately return to normal activities. Laser Skin Care Center guarantees no downtime or recovery needed with this procedure. 

Results with UltraShape®

Results typically appear two weeks after your initial treatment as your liver processes the triglycerides. Maximum results appear after four weeks. The Laser Skin Care Center recommends three treatments spaced two weeks apart for optimal results. 

Patients have noted up to 1-3 inches of a difference in their circumference with a smoother, more contoured body outline. 

Once the treatments are complete, the fat cells are destroyed and cannot return. Your results will be permanent with a healthy lifestyle. At the Laser Skin Care Center, UltraShape® has a 94% patient satisfaction rate. 

UltraShape® Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for UltraShape®?

UltraShape® is a painless procedure, so most people living a healthy lifestyle are good candidates. Ideal candidates have realistic expectations for their UltraShape® treatments and have a BMI of 30 or less. 

UltraShape® is not for dramatic weight loss but to target stubborn fat that does not respond to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Please schedule an in-person consultation with the Laser Skin Care Center to see if you are a good candidate today!

On time!!! Efficient staff. First time patient and my doctor, Sandra Kuo, was professional and a wonderful bedside manner. I will definitely return.

Take the Next Step 

If you’d like to learn more about SculpSure®, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA area and offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology services.