If you want bright, glowing skin with no waiting, DiamondGlow® may be the perfect treatment for you. It exfoliates the skin and prepares it to receive serums that enhance your results. Whether you want to look luminous for a special event or plan to keep that healthy glow year-round, DiamondGlow® gives you a quick, effective treatment option.

Diamondglow Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

What is a DiamondGlow® Facial?

Unlike other exfoliating treatments, DiamondGlow® infuses the skin with targeted serums during the exfoliation process. This allows the serums to reach deeper layers of the skin for maximum benefits. The treatment will leave your skin smooth, soft, and glowing. 

How Does a DiamondGlow® Facial Work?

A DiamondGlow® facial has three steps, but all three happen simultaneously for the greatest effectiveness. Each step works to prepare the skin for the other steps. Together, they result in better absorption of the targeted serums and clear, resurfaced skin. 


Your aesthetician will choose one of six diamond tips for your exfoliation. This makes DiamondGlow® highly customizable for each person’s skin type and concerns. The exfoliation loosens dead skin cells to leave the skin brighter and more youthful. 


The same handpiece uses vacuum suction to pull away dead skin cells and other pore-clogging debris so the skin can better absorb the serums.


Targeted serums can work to hydrate, brighten, or rejuvenate your skin, and they can even help control acne. The handpiece infuses the serum as it exfoliates to improve absorption.

DiamondGlow® feels completely comfortable, with a diamond tip available for even the most sensitive skin. Few other devices offer this level of customization to ensure your comfort and optimal results. 

DiamondGlow® Consultations Available

What Results Will I See From My DiamondGlow® Facial?

You will see brighter and more hydrated skin after your first DiamondGlow® session. However, most people need a series of treatments to achieve the best results. Many people benefit from three to six treatments spaced a few weeks apart. After each session, you will see noticeable improvements, including a more even tone and texture, a decrease in acne breakouts, and healthier skin. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a DiamondGlow® Facial?

DiamondGlow® works for almost anyone. If you have been using certain medications that make your skin more sensitive, you should discuss these during your consultation. You may still be eligible for treatment. 

Is There Any Downtime with a DiamondGlow® Facial?

There is no downtime with DiamondGlow®. Your skin will look hydrated and refreshed after your treatment. You can go back to your usual activities when you finish your session. 

“On time!!! Efficient staff. First time patient and my doctor, Sandra Kuo, was professional and a wonderful bedside manner. I will definitely return” *

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about DiamondGlow®, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA area and offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.