Thank you for scheduling your Ultherapy treatment with Laser Skin Care Center. For your safety and in order to obtain optimum results, the instructions below should be followed.

  • Do not use the following products 3 days before or 3 days after your treatment or until pinkness has subsided): Retin-A, retinoids, or similar vitamin A compounds, harsh scrubs or exfoliating products and bleaching creams.
  • Avoid tanning or prolonged sun exposure 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after treatment.
  • Apply your Post-Treatment Recovery Complex 2-4 times a day for at least 3 days after treatment. We also recommend Nectifirm Cream 2 times a day to maintain your results.
  • Apply your Ultra Sheer Antioxidant Sunscreen SPF 50 after the treatment if you are planning on having incidental sun exposure. We also recommend Elta MD sun block.
  • Cleanse the treated area with your Ultra Gentle Cleanser with tepid warm water. Apply cleanser to fingertips with water in a gentle motion.
  • Although extremely rare, a blister may appear, if so please call the office to let us know.
  • Avoid blood thinners and heavy alcohol 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Avoid Botox at least 1 week prior to treatment.
  • Avoid Dermal Fillers at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Please make sure you eat a small meal prior to treatment if you elect to receive narcotics for pain or a sedative for anxiety. You will also need a driver to pick you up. You cannot drive on narcotics or sedatives.
  • Notify your provider if you have a history of cold sores/ fever blisters
  • You are not a candidate if you are pregnant.

Immediately after the Ultherapy treatment, the skin may appear red or slightly swollen in select areas, which may last a few hours or longer.

  • If you opt for local anesthetic to be injected, you may experience more temporary swelling. We recommend sleeping on several pillows for the first two to three nights to allow the anesthetic to drain down.
  • It is normal to experience mild tenderness, swelling and bruising along the jaw line for several days in some cases longer.
  • Some patients may experience mild bruising with the procedure. If you have more significant bruising, we recommend oral or topical Arnica to minimize bruising. You may purchase Arnica at the reception. Please start Arnica 2 days before your procedure.
  • Some patients may have temporary welts that last a few days, in rare cases longer. If this occurs ice the area each hour for 5-10 minutes.
  • If we have prescribed an antiviral for you, please finish the entire course.
  • You may experience some numbness or shooting pains, particularly on the brow bone area on occasion. This is temporary and will resolve soon. Please call us with any concerns.

You may resume regular activities immediately after the procedure. There are no limitations to your activities other than what we have stated above. You will start to experience immediate tightening and toning of the treated areas after the procedure. Your results will continue for the next 3-6 months as your body builds collagen in the treated areas. We recommend a follow-up appointment at 6 months for photos. Our office number is 562-977-1144.