Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation treatments are revolutionary solutions that use lasers or other modalities to reduce the effects of aging or damaged skin. They are especially effective for aged skin on the face and neck. As we age, skin loses its tone, feels less firm, and sags. Time, sun damage, and heredity cause skin irregularities that result in wrinkles. Acne scars, pigment changes, and broken blood vessels compound the problem.

Skin Rejuvenation Can Treat

  • Visible wrinkles that do not change with facial movements
  • Expression lines and folds that develop from facial movements
  • Freckles, sun spots, and darkened patches caused by sun exposure
  • Acne scars and other injuries to the skin that are pitted and discolored
  • Benign pigmented skin lesions
  • Visible broken blood vessels on the skin
  • Lost skin tone due to weak structural support from collagen and elastin fibers

Acne Treatment

Acne can be unsightly and painful. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer from chronic acne. With a variety of treatment options available, you can feel confident there is a solution for you. Our dedicated team of medical dermatologists, aestheticians, and cosmetic consultants work together to provide you with the ultimate level of professional care.

Q-Switch Laser

This Candela laser is ideal for treating a full spectrum of benign pigmented lesions, including solar lentigines (sun spots), age spots, acquired dermal melanocytosis, Nevus of Ota, Nevus of Ito, and the common freckle. It also treats tattoos.

Clear + Brilliant

Want to achieve brighter and more radiant skin with laser resurfacing, but don’t have the downtime? Clear + Brilliant can help address the early signs of sun damage. These gentle “lunchtime” laser sessions can minimize pore size, even out skin tone, reverse dullness by enhancing elasticity, and safely treat melasma. A series of 4-6 treatments are recommended for optimal results.


Microneedling 3 is a fractional micro-needling technique that works to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. It is effective in reducing scars caused by surgery, acne and also helps with the appearance of stretch marks. Microneedling is safe on all skin types and is administered with very little discomfort or downtime. A series of treatments is recommended.

Fraxel Dual

Fraxel® Laser is a sophisticated device designed to target aging and damaged skin by creating microscopic “wounds” which triggers the body to produce new collagen and refreshed skin cells. Because these micro-thermal zones are separated by unaffected tissue, faster healing occurs. It can be safely used all over the body and for both fair skin and skin of color. A series of 2-5 treatments are recommended to improve pigmentation, wrinkles, pre-cancers, and acne scars.


Intense Pulsed Light, commonly known as IPL, Fotofacial or Photofacial, delivers high-intensity computer-controlled pulses of light that penetrate your skin and heat the sub-surface layers. IPL can minimize red and brown spots caused by sun damage while stimulating healthy, new collagen with minimal downtime. We recommend three to five treatments for optimal results.


Ultherapy is the first and only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift and tighten skin on the neck, eyebrow and under the chin, and to improve décolletage lines and wrinkles. Until now, there was nothing that could safely improve lines and wrinkles on the décolletage.

V-Beam Perfecta

The Vbeam Perfecta Laser can selectively target the blood vessels and deliver pulses of light energy, causing the blood within the vein to coagulate. These vessels break down and shrink, leading to a reduction of the vascular lesion. V-Beam effectively treats broken capillaries, rosacea, ruddy complexion, spider veins on the nose, and legs, red post-surgical scars, red stretch marks, red acne scars and red birthmarks. Multiple treat­ments may be needed.

PRP for Facial Rejuvenation

PRP uses growth factors extracted from your own blood to trigger a dramatic improvement in skin health and vibrance. We use a sample of your blood to concentrate platelets and healing factors. When injected into your skin, PRP stimulates collagen and elastin to restore your skin’s natural firmness. PRP can also be used before or after laser or microneedling treatments. It improves your results and leads to noticeably faster healing.

PRP for Hair Restoration

The PRP extracted from your blood can be used to combat thinning hair. When injected into the scalp, PRP triggers dormant hair follicles to activate. It also improves the blood flow to your scalp, enhancing hair growth. Your hair will become thicker, fuller, and stronger. You can have PRP alone or combine it with other hair growth treatments to make them more effective.

RF Microneedling

Potenza™ RF microneedling stimulates the development of collagen and elastin. Tiny needles create microchannels in the skin, delivering radiofrequency energy to the deeper layers of the skin. RF energy triggers a healing process that leads to new collagen. Most people need three to four sessions for optimal results.


Non-invasive Sofwave™ technology can firm the skin, smooth lines and wrinkles, and improve facial contours. It uses ultrasound energy that produces heat affecting the cells in the dermis. These cells respond by increasing collagen production, making the skin tighter and smoother. Most people only need one treatment to achieve results.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about our skin rejuvenation treatments, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center is located in Long Beach, CA and serves the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas.