What Is UltraShape

What is UltraShape® Body Sculpting?

Body contouring has become a popular, non-invasive option for removing unwanted fat. For years, liposuction was the only way to contour the body and remove the fat that doesn’t respond to dieting and exercise.  Since then, scientists have developed many different body contouring methods. At the Laser Skin Care Center, one of our non-surgical options is UltraShape®.  What is UltraShape®? UltraShape® is an FDA-cleared body sculpting procedure using ultrasound technology to remove stubborn fat. With no incisions, anesthetics, or recovery time, UltraShape® is a painless and effective treatment to remove unwanted fat from the abdomen, flanks, and thighs. The ultrasound energy breaks apart the fat cell membranes, causing them to release fat in the form of triglycerides. The liver processes the triglycerides and removes them from the body. UltraShape® targets stubborn fat that does not respond to a healthy diet and exercise. It is not a weight loss solution.  View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What to Expect with UltraShape® Treatment UltraShape® treatments take up to an [...]

2024-03-11T19:12:00+00:00July 7th, 2022|UltraShape|

Is There Any Recovery Required with UltraShape?

UltraShape helps break down and remove stubborn fat that is usually unresponsive to traditional diet and exercise. At Laser Skin Care Center, we use UltraShape because it is a one-of-a-kind body sculpting procedure that helps patients see the body they want to achieve! What is UltraShape?  UltraShape is a body sculpting procedure that targets stubborn areas of fat with vigorous pulses of ultrasound energy. It is a non-surgical procedure that requires no anesthesia and has no downtime. Unlike most body sculpting systems, UltraShape does not use thermal energy to sculpt body fat.  View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How Does UltraShape Work?  The ultrasound energy pulses break down fat cells, then filter and remove them with the body’s natural processes. The pulses only disrupt the fat cells - UltraShape does not affect your skin or the tissues underneath your skin. A single session can reduce up to 32% of fat cells in the treatment area.  The treatment session generally takes an hour at most and is painless. [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:19+00:00April 6th, 2022|UltraShape|

What is Body Contouring?

Body contouring is a term given to a range of different cosmetic treatments - both surgical and non-surgical. All of these treatments have the same goal; to help sculpt the body into a more defined physique. This is typically done by reducing fat in specific areas of the body, and it can also involve skin tightening as well. Surgical body contouring treatments will usually involve liposuction, but there are plenty of non-surgical options available. At Laser Skin Care Center, we offer two different alternatives for patients that wish to avoid surgery.  View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary About Non-Surgical Body Contouring The two options we provide are UltraShape® and VelaShape®. Both treatments use similar approaches, but the technology is slightly different. In either case, non-surgical body contouring can create the same results as surgical body contouring, but without the need for any incisions or scars. This also means that non-surgical options are a lot easier for the patient to recover from. Both of our treatments have zero [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:21+00:00May 4th, 2021|Body Contouring, UltraShape|

How Safe is Body Contouring?

UltraShape is a safe, non-surgical body-shaping procedure that can be done on your lunch hour. Men and women with subcutaneous fat resistant to diet and exercise can take advantage of this FDA-approved procedure, and gain new confidence in their appearance. Laser Skin Care Center uses UltraShape because it’s painless, requires no anesthetic or recovery time, and leaves no visible signs of treatment. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary UltraShape: The Technology Explained UltraShape is a non-surgical procedure using ultrasound technology to contour your body and reduce fat cells. As the fat cell walls are targeted, fat is released in the form of triglycerides that your liver processes out of your body.  Due to the measured energy of this technology, fat cells are targeted without damage to the surrounding tissue, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. It is a noninvasive treatment, so you don’t need anesthesia. Is UltraShape FDA-Approved? Yes. The UltraShape procedure was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the reduction of abdominal [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:26+00:00October 6th, 2019|Body treatments, Cosmetic, UltraShape|

How Much Does UltraShape Cost?

Achieving that streamlined figure has never been so easily attainable. Patients no longer need to go under the knife to get noticeable results when it comes to fat reduction. Why? You have non-invasive UltraShape treatments to thank! UltraShape is a revolutionary body contouring procedure that uses gentle ultrasound wavelengths to melt away fat for good. At Laser Skin Care Center, we’re seeing impressive results when it comes to treating localized fat pockets that are otherwise not responding to diet or exercise. UltraShape has a very high patient satisfaction rate with the average patient losing 1-3 inches off their waistline. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What Will You Pay for UltraShape? The good news is, UltraShape is actually quite affordable compared to traditional fat reduction methods. The average cost for a single UltraShape session can range anywhere from $1,500 to $2,500. However, that price can vary greatly with some patients paying as low as $1,000 and others paying significantly more. [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:28+00:00May 3rd, 2019|UltraShape|



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