Sclerotherapy Los Angeles

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

If you dislike the look of webbed or thick, twisted veins on your legs, you have an easy, minimally invasive way to get rid of them. Sclerotherapy is one of the most widely used treatments for problems ranging from small spider veins to large varicose veins. Even better, this treatment provides long-lasting relief from these annoying visible veins.  What is Sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment used to address spider veins and varicose veins on the legs. Spider veins usually look branched or web-like, while varicose veins can look raised or thickened. These stretched, dysfunctional veins often look blue, red, or purple. Sclerotherapy treats these veins by causing the walls to collapse. Blood redirects through healthy veins, letting the problem ones fade away. How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last? Sclerotherapy is widely used for many reasons, but one is that it permanently closes damaged spider and varicose veins. Your body will absorb the treated veins over time, and they will not return. However, you can develop new problem veins, especially if you have [...]

2024-03-07T21:44:10+00:00February 20th, 2024|Sclerotherapy|

What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that involves injecting a sclerosing solution into the veins of the legs to target spider veins. It is a minimally invasive procedure, performed by a vascular specialist in about an hour and with minimal discomfort. Sclerotherapy eliminates the need for surgery or other more invasive procedures. What is Sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy comes from the word for “thickened” or “hard,” and this is what it does to the treated veins when injected by a venous specialist. The treatment causes the veins to harden, thicken, and collapse. Venous specialists use this procedure for cosmetic reasons, such as the bothersome visual appearance of spider veins. They may also use it to treat uncomfortable symptoms like itching, burning, tingling, and pain that these veins can cause.  How Does Sclerotherapy Work? The FDA-approved solution, which only targets the area where it is injected, causes irritation and scarring in the problem spider veins. This blocks blood from flowing through, and it will find healthier veins to travel through while the problem vein collapses. [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:20+00:00September 16th, 2021|Sclerotherapy|

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Take?

It’s estimated that 30-60% of adults are bothered by unsightly spider or varicose veins. In the past, the only way to address this common concern was through surgical methods that came with loads of downtime. These days, vein removal treatments are done in-office with almost no pain, side effects, or recovery. At Laser Skin Care Center, we offer a revolutionary treatment option that’s easy to fit into your busy lifestyle. It’s called sclerotherapy, and it has helped thousands of men and women to improve their overall quality of life. Using an advanced injection method, your provider is able to deliver a sclerosing agent (Asclera) which effectively closes off the vein allowing it to be reabsorbed back into the body. What to Expect from Your Appointment Sclerotherapy is generally very quick and easy. Most sclerotherapy treatments can often be completed in just 15-30 minutes. All in all, you can expect to be in and out of your appointment within the hour. Downtime is also very minimal with sclerotherapy. A compression garment or [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:25+00:00December 3rd, 2019|Sclerotherapy|



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