Benefits of prp

Top 5 Benefits of PRP Injections

Our dermatologists at Laser Skin Care Center offer many effective rejuvenation treatments. One of these options, PRP injections, has numerous benefits for both your skin and hair. With PRP, you can enhance the results of your favorite cosmetic treatments, such as microneedling or laser resurfacing. What is PRP? PRP injections, or platelet-rich plasma injections, are an innovative rejuvenation treatment. These injections are created by drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood components. Though it started as a medical treatment for injuries, PRP injections have gained significant attention for their aesthetic applications.  Laser Skin Care Center offers PRP therapy for skin rejuvenation and hair restoration. The isolated growth factors and stem cells in the injections help stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin, resulting in a firmer, smoother, and more youthful complexion. Similarly, when injected into the scalp, PRP can promote hair growth by increasing blood flow and providing nutrients to hair follicles. Benefits of PRP [...]

2023-05-24T16:53:58+00:00June 30th, 2023|PRP|

What Are The Benefits Of Adding PRP For Microneedling Treatments?

There’s no denying that microneedling or “collagen induction therapy” is a popular cosmetic procedure. In a nutshell, microneedling helps to reduce the signs of aging and helps to rejuvenate skin for both men and women. Traditionally, microneedling involves the use of a roller device that pricks the skin to stimulate new collagen production. Here at the Laser Skin Care Center, we can take this treatment to the next level thanks to PRP! *Individual results may vary What is PRP? PRP is an acronym for “platelet-rich plasma” and describes a method of using the body’s own cells to help rejuvenate the skin. PRP involves a simple blood draw from the patient, and that sample gets sent to our in-house lab for preparation. When it comes to addressing aesthetic concerns, microneedling with PRP is one of the leading solutions selected by thousands of Americans each year. PRP is a science-backed and evidence-based treatment that can get carried out in a single in-office session. Our expert team of dermatologists here at the Laser [...]

2024-04-08T14:24:37+00:00August 14th, 2020|Microneedling, PRP, PRP Microneedling|



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