Benefits of microneedling Los Angeles

Am I a Candidate for Microneedling?

Microneedling is an enormously beneficial treatment for a wide range of individuals, but not everyone is an ideal candidate for the procedure. A qualified healthcare professional at Laser Skin Care Center can assess your skin and help determine if microneedling is a suitable option for you. What are the Benefits of Microneedling? Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic procedure that involves using a device with fine needles to create small, controlled injuries in the skin's surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the body's natural healing process, resulting in various benefits for the texture and tone of the skin. These include:  Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles Minimize pore size Enhanced absorption of skincare products Scar reduction Non-invasive and minimal downtime Suitable for various skin types Reduced stretch marks Long-lasting results View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary Who is a Good Candidate for Microneedling? Microneedling should not be performed on skin that has active infections, including cold sores, active acne, or other skin conditions. If you [...]

2023-08-14T15:18:28+00:00July 10th, 2023|Microneedling|

How Long Until I Can Wear Makeup After Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation treatment that creates microchannels in the skin to boost collagen and elastin production. The 12 disposable micro-needles on the tips penetrate the skin to create micro-injuries. As the skin heals, it becomes firmer and brighter and improves signs of aging and the appearance of scars. While you may return to your daily routine almost immediately after your treatment, we recommend avoiding certain products and habits while your skin heals. How Long is Recovery from Microneedling?Immediately after your microneedling treatment, your skin may appear red, similar to a sunburn. You may also experience some swelling and a small amount of pinpoint bleeding. These aftereffects are normal as your skin begins healing and should fade within 48 hours. We recommend avoiding direct sun exposure for up to two weeks. Your skin is more sensitive after microneedling, and direct sun exposure could cause discoloration. Most patients, however, feel comfortable returning to their usual routines within 24 hours of their treatment using sun protection.  View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How [...]

2023-02-24T21:25:52+00:00February 20th, 2023|Microneedling|

What are the Benefits of Microneedling?

For anyone who likes to keep on top of beauty trends, microneedling has become a popular trend. You can even find microneedling kits to buy in stores, which come with a hand device, the home roller. Despite the popularity of microneedling, a lot of people fail to see the expected results at home. Unfortunately, there is a very good reason for this: Professional microneedling such as the one we do for our clients at Laser Skin Care Centre, Long Beach, CA, uses a specialized device that exceeds the ability of a store-bought kit.  Microneedling is associated with beautiful and glowing skin. But if you’re not familiar with the procedure, you may not be entirely sure of what it can do for you. Here is a brief overview of the benefits of microneedling. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary What is Microneedling? Microneedling is the process of causing micro-tears into the surface of the skin. We work with a handpiece, which holds 12 sanitized micro-needles that puncture the [...]

2024-04-08T14:23:19+00:00July 4th, 2020|Microneedling|



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