The best part of summer can be all the time spent outdoors — at the beach, the park, or lounging in your backyard. But as good as the sun may feel on your skin, sometimes it damages it too. Particularly if you forgot the SPF all summer. At Laser Skin Care Center, our physicians use Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing to help patients treat damaged skin, such as sun spots, wrinkles and other signs of aging. Fraxel treatment is a noninvasive skin resurfacing procedure approved by the FDA, and can improve skin health and texture for many patients.

Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing Long Beach

Fraxel treatments treat fractions of the skin at a time. During treatment, the laser is used on only a small percentage of the skin and leaves the surrounding area untouched, leading to a much shorter recovery time. The laser is focused on areas below the skin affected by wrinkles, discolorations, or acne scars, encouraging the production of new collagen. The result is healthier, more vibrant skin with less fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, as the treated area begins to heal, new, healthy skin appears, making patients look even younger and more vibrant. One of the benefits of Fraxel treatments is that no skin is removed, leading to less recovery time.

Most patients undergo three to five treatments, approximately 3-8 weeks apart, depending on the extent of your sun damage, acne scarring, or wrinkles. Gradual improvement will occur with each treatment. After a Fraxel treatment, if you protect your skin against further sun damage, results can be long lasting. Fall is a great time to undergo a Fraxel treatment because most patients naturally spend less time outdoors.

Take the Next Step

Book a complimentary consultation at Laser Skin Care Center to see if Fraxel Dual® is right for you.