If you would like to get rid of your ‘double chin’ and create a more contoured jawline without surgery, Kybella may be the ideal option for you.  

Fat beneath the chin is generally resistant to diet and exercise, so here at Laser Skin Care Center, we use the revolutionary Kybella treatment to reduce your double chin and transform your jawline.  But how does Kybella work.

Kybella Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an FDA cleared injectable treatment for submental fat, which is the excess fat below the chin.   Kybella consists of synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a molecule that is found naturally in the body, and assists with the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. 

How Does Kybella Work?

When Kybella is injected into the fat below the chin, it disrupts the membrane of the fat cells and breaks down the fat.  The fragments of the fat cells are processed and flushed from the body over the course of several weeks.  Once the fat cells are broken down, they are no longer able to store fat, so over time, there will be a noticeable improvement in the contours of the chin and neck

During a single Kybella treatment several injections are made into the subcutaneous fat beneath the chin.  Each session typically lasts 15-20 minutes, and treatments are spaced 4 weeks apart. 

How many Kybella treatments will I need to see results

You may need 1-3 Kybella treatments to achieve the best results.  However, results won’t be seen immediately, as the body takes time to break down the treated fat cells.  It can often take up to 6 months to see the final outcome.

Is There any Downtime with Kybella?

You will be able to resume regular activities immediately after your Kybella treatment.  However, there is normally some swelling at the injection site, which can take a week or two to resolve.

Kybella Consultations Available

Is Kybella painful?

You may experience mild discomfort when Kybella is being injected into the submental area, but this quickly subsides and is not considered painful.

How Long Will my Kybella Results Last?

The results of Kybella are long-lasting, because the treated fat cells are gone for good, and therefore cannot accumulate fat.

Am I a Good Candidate for Kybella?

If you have moderate submental fat you would like to reduce, and have relatively good skin elasticity, you may be a good candidate for Kybella.    However, if you are pregnant or nursing, have difficulty swallowing, or have any medical condition that affects the neck area, you would not be a good candidate for Kybella

An in-office consultation with an experienced Kybella provider is the best way to determine if Kybella would be the right option for you. Our experienced practitioners at Laser Skin Care Center will create a personalized Kybella treatment plan for you, based on the amount of unwanted fat you have in the area.

“The entire staff is efficient,knowledgeable & kind. I’m well pleased with my experience & highly recommend them !”*

Take the Next Step

If you would like to learn more about how Kybella works, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144.  Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA area, and offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology services.  

*Individual results may vary.