The dreaded double chin is a common complaint among many men and women. Until recently, the only way to truly rid yourself of unwanted submental fullness was surgery. But we’re happy to say, those days are in the past! Enter minimally-invasive Kybella® treatments at Laser Skin Care Center.

Kybella Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

What is Kybella® and How Does it Work?

Kybella® is a minimally-invasive injectable that is strategically placed into the area under the chin to remove stubborn fat cells. Kybella® is made up of deoxycholic acid, which is something the body produces naturally. This acid absorbs and breaks down dietary fat, which is why it’s used in this procedure. It sounds simple because it is! Kybella® is safe and effective for under-chin fat that’s typically non-responsive to diet and exercise.

What Results Can I Expect?

People who choose to turn to Kybella® do so with one main goal; get rid of their double chin. Apart from that, you can expect to reduce the appearance of a saggy neck and increased definition in your jawline, chin, and neck. These results are all associated with the reduction of fat cells around the neck and chin area that Kybella® treats.

How Safe is Kybella®? 

Kybella® is a non-surgical method, which means there are no risks that normally come with surgical procedures. It has also been approved by the FDA and tested on thousands of patients before being allowed on the market. That being said, it’s important to choose a skilled Kybella® Provider to ensure an optimal outcome with minimal complications.

Kybella Consultations Available

Although it’s a safe procedure as no cutting is involved, it goes without saying that any treatment might have some side effects. Initial side effects that patients might experience might be swelling, redness, and some pain.

How Many Treatments Will I Need? 

We’ll always have a consultation with our patients to create a tailored treatment plan for them. While some patients may be able to see improvement with just one session, most patients need a series of treatments to achieve their end-goals. In some cases, you may need up to 6 Kybella® treatments for an optimal outcome. Sessions typically take just 20-minutes allowing you to get back to your routine quickly.

At Laser Skin Care Center, we understand that every patient is different. During your in-person consultation, we’ll speak with you about your concerns and goals before customizing a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Very relaxing, and clean feel to my skin. A few days later my complexion seem to glow. It lifted my spirits

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about Kybella®, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA area and offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.