A double chin can be incredibly annoying for men and women of all ages. Although submental fullness (fat below the chin) is often caused by changes in weight, many patients are genetically-prone to get the dreaded double chin regardless of their healthy lifestyle habits. There is hope though! If you’re looking for a way to re-define your profile without surgery, Laser Skin Care Center has the solution for you. 

One of our most sought-after treatments for non-surgical double chin reduction is KYBELLA®. The procedure is done in-office making it quick and easy for patients with busy lifestyles. Enjoy long-lasting results that can’t be achieved with diet and exercise alone.

Kybella Long Beach

*Individual results may vary

What is KYBELLA®?

KYBELLA® is the first and only FDA-approved injectable of its kind designed to visibly reduce the appearance of submental fullness. The prescription-grade injectable is comprised of a powerful deoxycholic base – a substance known for breaking down fats. When placed at precise depths, KYBELLA® works to prepare fats for absorption and future metabolization from the body.

Treatments typically take between 15 and 20 minutes and don’t require any downtime. A topical numbing agent can be applied prior to injection to make the procedure a comfortable one. Once the area is marked, your Skin Care specialist will administer KYBELLA® directly to problem zones where submental fullness occurs for an optimal outcome.

Recovery & Results

KYBELLA® is a minimally-invasive procedure that allows patients to achieve the results they want without the recovery associated with surgery. Most patients are able to return to normal day-to-day activities immediately following treatment. Side effects are generally minimal and subside on their own within several hours to several days. You may experience swelling, bruising, and/or tenderness after KYBELLA®.

Kybella Consultations Available

Results from KYBELLA® are gradual and progressive. An optimal outcome from each session can be seen in about 4-6 weeks. Continued improvement will occur with each successive treatment. In most cases, patients will need no more than six KYBELLA® sessions to achieve their desired results. Once existing fat cells are treated, they are unable to return on their own.

Am I A Candidate for KYBELLA®?

You may be a good fit for KYBELLA® if you’re bothered by pinchable fat below the chin but aren’t ready to commit to surgical procedures. KYBELLA® is safe and effective for breaking down fat and reducing the appearance of unwanted double chins. However, the injectable may not be suitable for patients with significant skin laxity.

Your Laser Skin Care Specialist will speak with you about all of your options in-depth at the time of your initial consultation. Together, you can create a customized treatment plan to meet your under-chin contouring goals.

The doctors and PAs are excellent, caring, competent, and the support staff is helpful, knowledgeable and pleasant. Able to get an appointment quickly and moved through office efficiently. Love the cosmetic services available!!!

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about non-surgical double chin reduction with KYBELLA®, please fill out the form on this page or call (562) 997-1144. Laser Skin Care Center proudly serves the Long Beach, CA area and offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology services.

*Individual results may vary.