Monthly Archives: March 2019

Is There A Non-Surgical Solution to Remove Neck Fat?

Unwanted fat below the chin can make us appear years older and pounds heavier than we actually are. What’s worse, neck fat isn’t easily reduced with diet and exercise alone. And, when left untreated, neck fat typically becomes more prevalent with age. In the past, the only options for treating these isolated pockets of fat was through surgical means. Thankfully, these days we have a non-surgical alternative for treating under-chin fat. It’s called KYBELLA®, and it’s revolutionizing the way we think about fat reduction. At Laser Skin Care Center, we offer minimally-invasive KYBELLA® treatments for patients who don’t have the time for an extended recovery associated with surgery. How Does KYBELLA® Work? KYBELLA® is a minimally-invasive injectable that’s done in-office over the course of just a few minutes. Once the treatment area is determined, your KYBELLA® specialist will mark the area and apply a topical numbing agent to keep you comfortable throughout. Your doctor or PA will then place the injections at precise depths for an optimal outcome without complications. KYBELLA® uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. The [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:29+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Kybella|

How Can I Get Rid of Muffin Top?

No matter how many sit-ups we do, it seems nearly impossible to achieve a sculpted abdomen. That little belly bulge, often known as a muffin top, can be extremely frustrating for both men and women. It can affect the clothing we wear and the activities we choose to participate in. But, there is hope! At Laser Skin Care Center, we offer a variety of solutions for body contouring ranging from surgical to completely non-invasive. Our goal is to help you achieve the results you want with as little downtime as possible for your individual needs. That’s why our go-to treatment for mild-to-moderate muffin top is non-surgical UltraShape Power treatments. View More Patient Results *Individual results may vary How Does UltraShape Power Work? UltraShape Power uses gentle ultrasound technology to selectively target and break down hard-to-treat fat cells. Surrounding tissue remains unharmed while unwanted muffin-top-causing fat is effectively damaged. With time, your body naturally metabolizes dead fat cells leaving you slimmer around the middle. [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:29+00:00March 10th, 2019|UltraShape|



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