Monthly Archives: October 2016

Kybella: What You Need to Know Before You Go

Have you heard about Kybella treatments yet? Kybella is a revolutionary new injectable that’s designed to target and eliminate fat cells in the submental (under chin) tissue. This FDA-approved treatment has been shown to reduce the appearance of double chins and loose neck, all while providing contouring under the chin. In short, if you’ve been having trouble losing fat under your chin, or in the mid-upper neck it’s time to let Kybella step in and help. Kybella 101 Kybella is now available at the Laser Skin Care Center in Long Beach, California. We’re proud to offer Kybella treatments to clients who are looking to eliminate the appearance of a double chin (fullness immediately under the chin in the upper neck). Ideal clients will already be committed to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and understand that Kybella does not prevent the formation of new fat deposits associated with weight gain. Kybella is an injectable that contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring compound that’s designed to eat away at fat cells. Kybella is currently only approved by the FDA for submental [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:36+00:00October 20th, 2016|Chin Lipo, Double Chin, Kybella|

Cellfina: Are Results Permanent?

California is home to a never-ending summer – and that means you can wear shorts, dresses, and other revealing clothing all year round. But for individuals who have cellulite dimpling that just won’t respond to diet or exercise, this never-ending summer might seem far too long. If you are ready to get rid unsightly cellulite dimpling on the legs and buttocks then it’s time to introduce yourself to Cellfina at the Laser Skin Care Center in Long Beach, California! What Is Cellfina? Cellfina is an FDA-approved treatment designed to reduce the appearance of common symptoms of cellulite, including dimpling.  Despite the fact that 98% (percentage seems high-- maybe say "a majority") of women have cellulite, many patients feel uncomfortable and self-conscious wearing shorts, bathing suits or shorts skirts (not tank tops) or any other clothing that might reveal dimpling Cellfina uses microneedling technology to break up the collagen bands that contribute to significant dimpling.  Much like an elastic, these bands snap when the pressure is relieved – and that relief immediately reduces the appearance of cellulite. Are Results Permanent? Cellfina [...]

2022-08-15T15:08:37+00:00October 9th, 2016|Cellfina, Cellulite Treatment|



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