4caffb6cc223b4d5c080725ec98dbb52Cellulite can be a burden for many women; in fact, it’s estimated that up to 98% of women have some form of cellulite on their legs and buttocks.  The dimpling associated with cellulite can make it difficult for women to feel confident about their appearance.

If the appearance of cellulite has always bothered you, it’s time to discover a new FDA-approved treatment that’s proven to minimize those annoying dimples…Cellfina!

Introducing Cellfina For Cellulite

Cellfina is an innovative new treatment that uses the power of microneedling to break up collagen bands underneath the skin.  These collagen bands push excess fat up to the surface of the skin, which results in the dimpling appearance that’s so common with cellulite.

When these bands are broken up, fat is no longer pushed up to the skin – and that results in the disappearance of cellulite!

Cellfina is so effective that results can for more than two years.

Click the Infographic to Enlarge

What’s the Recovery Like?

Cellfina is minimally invasive, making this a great treatment option for busy patients who want to see significant reductions in their cellulite.

Keep in mind that you will need to avoid hot tubs, pools, and baths for one to two weeks after your initial treatment.  Expect to see some swelling and bruising after your procedure.  Wearing compression garments can help minimize any swelling associated with Cellfina.

Cellfina Treatments at Laser Skin Care Center

Laser Skin Care Center specializes in Cellfina treatments for patients who want to minimize the appearance of dimpling associated with cellulite.  For more information on Cellfina, schedule a consultation by calling (562) 997-1144.

Laser Skin Care Center serves the greater Long Beach area.